A Guide to Residential Burglary Prevention

It is probably impossible to make your home completely burglary proof. However, our experience has shown that there are several preventive measures that homeowners can take to make it more difficult for burglars to enter your home; you can discourage them before they even attempt to force their way in.

Please read the following information carefully, and you will find many ways to keep the "bad guys" away.

I have also included a link to the National Crime Prevention Coalition which should prove useful in becoming more educated in the area of crime prevention.

Joseph R. Hoebeke

Chief of Police

Hollis Police Department

National Crime Prevention Council


This checklist is designed to help you make a security check of your own home. The purpose of a home security inspection is to identify features in your home or daily routines of your family which might make your home an easy target for a burglar. The security inspection should begin at your front door, include an inspection of all your doors and windows, locks, lights and landscaping.


Are all outside doors in the house of metal or solid wood construction?  Yes  No

Are all door frames strong enough and tight enough to prevent forcing or spreading?  Yes  No

Are door hinges protected from removal from outside?  Yes  No

Are there windows in any door or within 40 inches of the locks? Yes  No

Are all door locks adequate and in good repair?  Yes  No

Are strikes and strike plates adequate and property installed?  Yes  No

Can the locking mechanism be reached through a mail slot, delivery port or pet entrance?  Yes  No

Is there a screen or storm door with an adequate lock:  Yes  No

Are all entrances lighted with at least a 40 watt light?  Yes  No

Can front entrance be observed from street or public areas?  Yes  No

Does porch or landscaping offer concealment from view from street or public areas?  Yes  No

If there is a sliding glass door, is the sliding panel secured from being lifted out of the track?  Yes  No

Is "charley-bar" or key operated auxiliary lock used on sliding glass door?  Yes  No


Are all entrances to living quarters from basement of metal or solid wood?  Yes  No

Does door from garage to living quarters have locks adequate for exterior entrance?  Yes  No


Do all windows have adequate locks in operating condition?  Yes  No

Do windows have screens or storm windows that lock from inside?  Yes  No

Do any windows open onto areas that may be hazardous or offer special risk to burglary?  Yes  No

Do windows that open to hazardous areas have security screens or grills?  Yes  No

Are exterior areas to windows free from concealing structure or landscaping?  Yes  No

Is exterior adequately lighted at all window areas?  Yes  No

Are trees and shrubbery kept trimmed back from upper floor windows?  Yes  No

Are ladders kept outside the house where they are accessible?  Yes  No


Is there a door from outside to the basement?  Yes  No

If so that door adequately security for an exterior door?  Yes  No

Is outside basement entrance lighted by exterior light of at least 40 watts?  Yes  No

Is outside basement door concealed from street or neighbors?  Yes  No

Are all basement windows adequately secured against entry?  Yes  No


Is automobile entrance door to garage equipped with adequate locking device?  Yes  No

Is garage door kept closed and locked at all times?  Yes  No

Are garage windows secured adequately for ground floor windows?  Yes  No

Is outside utility entrance to garage as secure as required for any ground floor entrance?  Yes  No

Are tools and ladders kept in garage?  Yes  No

Are all garage doors lighted on the outside by at least a 40 watt light?  Yes  No

Each question on the checklist to which you have answered no indicate a security weakness which is a concern to us as we seek to protect you and your property. If you would like professional advice and/or assistance in making your property more secure, please feel free to contact the Hollis Police Department at 465-7637; we will be most happy to come to your home and do a security survey with and for you.

Much of the information contained herein was used with permission from VFW National Headquarters, Kansas City, MO.