Prescription Drug Take-Back Program Drop Box

Made possible by the Hollis Brookline Rotary Club, the Prescription Drug Drop Box is located in the lobby of the police department at 9 Silver Lake Road. This prescription drug drop location is available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Citizens can bring their unwanted prescriptions and over-the-counter medications and drop them into the drop box anonymously. This program allows for safe disposal of unused medications and serves as a means to reduce access to medications in the household, especially children. The following rules apply for dropping off medications:

1. No needles, liquids or drug paraphernalia, inhalers
2. Prescription and over-the-counter medications in pill or patch form only
3. Please deposit medications in their original container. You may black out your name (optional) but please leave the medication name visible.

There is no need to check in with dispatch when dropping off medications. Simply place the medications through the drawer in the drop box. Any questions regarding the drop box may be directed to Lt. James Maloney at 465-7637.

Prescription Drug Take-Back Program Drop Box

Donated By The Hollis Brookline Rotary Club

Rotary International