Child Passenger Safety Program

Confusing manufacturer instruction booklets and vehicle compatibility issues make
car seat installations difficult for parents and caregivers.

 4 out of 5 Car Seats are used incorrectly.

Could yours be one of them?

You are not alone.

The Hollis Fire Department is committed to fostering a safer community for all ages. The Child Passenger Safety Program is a proactive way to prevent serious injury to children from motor vehicle crashes.  Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians look forward to serve you and your family.

A standard car seat inspection takes only about a half hour and can be scheduled during days or evenings. Parents and caregivers of any age child can call the telephone number below for an appointment.

Get your child's safety seat inspected today!

Your Child's Safety Is Riding On It!

Address and Phone

Hollis Fire Department Child Passenger Safety Program