Elections and Voter Information

Registration information, sample ballots, absentee ballot information. Note: You may register to vote on Election Day at the polls.

How to Register to Vote - Where to go, What to bring, Hollis does not have any ward numbers
Come to the Town Clerk's office to fill out the Voter Registration Form. Bring your driver's license, AND passport or birth certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions about Establishing a Domicile / Residence in New Hampshire

How to Vote - Voter ID Law, Absentee Ballot Information

Elections - Dates, Location, Sample Ballots, Results
If you wish to volunteer at the polls, please contact the Supervisor of the Checklist, Chairman, Mary Thomas directly.

Absentee Ballot Status - Check if you requested an absentee ballot or the status of your absentee ballot

Party Affiliation - Check your party affiliation online here -  You will need to fill out a new Voter Registration form with the Town Clerk to change your party affiliation.

Contact Information:
Town Clerk: Diane Leavitt 603-465-2064
Located at 3G Market Place 
Monday: 12 pm - 5 pm 
Wednesday: 8 am - 2 pm
Friday: 8 am - 2 pm

Supervisors of the Checklist:
Mary Thomas, Chairman
Thom Davies
Robbin Dunn

Drew Mason

NH Secretary of State website