Voter Information

Vote In Person:
State and Federal Elections: Polls are usually at the Hollis Brookline High School at 24 Cavalier Court
Town Elections: Polls will be at the Lawrence Barn at 28 Depot Road for March 14, 2023

Vote By Absentee Ballot:
Absentee ballots are not available for Town and School meetings, just Elections.

Absentee ballot request form for 2024 Town Election
Absentee ballot requests may be sent to the Town Clerk by mail, email or in the drop box.

Absentee ballots must be received by the Town Clerk by 5:00 PM at the polling place on election day. 
Absentee ballots may be dropped off by handing them to the Town Clerk or may be mailed. Do not place them in a drop box.

Absentee ballots are available from the Hollis Town Clerk approximately 30 days before an election.

Voting in New Hampshire (Secretary of State website)

If you have questions about your voting rights, you may contact the NH Secretary of State at 603-271-3242 or from their website: The NH Attorney General can be contacted at 603-271-3658.

Contact Information:
Town Clerk:
Diane Leavitt
Located at 3G Market Place
Monday 12 pm - 5 pm
Wednesday 8 am - 2 pm
Friday 8 am - 2 pm

Supervisors of the Checklist:
Mary Thomas, Chairman
Thom Davies
Robbin Dunn

Drew Mason