Outdoor Barbeque Safety

Bear BBQ

Summer has arrived and with it comes the outdoor cooking season. Nothing beats the aroma and taste that comes only with the outdoor barbeque. Whether cooking with a propane or charcoal grill, important safety considerations must be made to keep you and your family members safe at home.

The Hollis Fire Department responds to its share of calls associated with outdoor cooking appliances and wishes to share the following safety tips with you:

  • Be sure to inspect your propane burning device at the beginning of every season. Look for brittleness or cracks in hose and tubing. Check for leaks and follow your manufacturer's recommendations when operating your grill.
  • When transporting a propane cylinder for refill, keep it in an upright position and do not leave it in a vehicle longer than necessary. Relief valves are built into propane cylinders and if heated gases become pressurized they will activate to relieve the pressure.
  • Never store spare cylinders under your grill.
  • If there is an uncontrollable release of propane or a fire, get away from the cylinder and call 911 immediately.
  • When grill is not in use, turn the cylinder off.
  • Make sure grill top is open when lighting your grill.
  • As with all heating and cooking appliances, teach young children to stay away.
  • Keep grills at least 10 feet away from the house while operating. Never operate a grill in a garage or under a porch.
  • Charcoal grills create more carbon monoxide (CO) than propane grills. There is a chance of CO entering your home using these devices. To protect your family, keep a working CO detector in you home.
  • Dispose of charcoal ashes appropriately, making sure they are completely extinguished.

 The Hollis Fire Department is committed to reducing fire and injury in the Hollis community. If you have questions or need a home safety inspection, please contact HFD Prevention Coordinator Scott Hunter - 465-6001. We hope you and your family enjoy everything the summer has to offer.