Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over this Thanksgiving Holiday
Thanksgiving PSA

The Hollis Police Department wishes to remind motorists to drive safely and sober during the Thanksgiving holiday. Here are some helpful reminders to keep you and your family safe during your Thanksgiving travels:

  • Travel at a safe speed. For more than two decades, speeding has been involved in approximately one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities.
  • Don’t drive distracted. Pay attention to the road. Texting is the most alarming distraction. Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for at least 5 seconds. At 55 mph, that's like driving the length of an entire football field with your eyes closed. Teens are the largest age group reported as distracted at the time of fatal crashes.
  • Wear a seat belt and wear it properly.
  • Make sure children are buckled in the right seats for their ages and sizes
  • DRIVE SOBER!!!. Designate a sober driver or use a car ride service like Uber or Lyft if you plan to drink.

The Hollis Police Department works extremely hard to maintain safety on our roads. We will be utilizing enforcement patrols, funded by the New Hampshire Department of Highway Safety, over the next few days in an effort to proactively reduce bad driving behaviors.