Package Theft on Forrence Drive

December 18, 2018

On December 16, 2018, Patrol Officers responded to a Forrence Drive address for a report of a package theft. The victim reported that a package was to be delivered to her house on Friday, December 14. The package was never received. On December 17, the package was found in the victims yard; the contents had been removed and the suspect(s) inserted a pair of old sneakers in lieu of the purchased boots. The theft most likely occurred on December 14th, between the hours of 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM. This package was intended to be a gift for a foster child in need. 

The Hollis Police Department is asking anyone that may have seen or heard anything suspicious in the Forrence Dr. area on Friday afternoon to contact the Hollis Police Department at 603-465-7637.  We also remind our residents to visit our website for some important reminders on holiday package delivery tips to safeguard against such crimes.  You can use the following link to access these helpful tips:

Please click here to access our holiday safety tips.