Summer Safety/Crime Prevention Tips from the Hollis Police Department

July 13, 2019
Summer safety

Summer Safety/Crime Prevention Tips:

The following crime prevention tips are recommended by the Hollis police department:

Bike Theft Prevention:

Most bikes are stolen while left unlocked. If you’re not riding it, LOCK IT UP!

Bike Safety Tips:

Obey the rules of the road.
Always wear a helmet.
Wear bright-colored or reflective clothing while riding.
Always ride with traffic – never against it.
Parents should be aware of where their children are going.

House Checks:

When leaving town on vacation, stop by the Hollis Police Department and fill out a House Check Form.
Have someone pick up your mail and newspapers.
Leave lights on a timer.
Always lock your home, garage or office.
Lock all ground level windows, and make sure shades are drawn to prevent someone from looking directly inside your house.

General Safety:

Lock up your car in evening.
Do not leave valuables in your car.
If you must leave items in your car, put the items in the trunk.

Have a safe summer; it is our honor to protect and to serve you.