2023 Department Goals

Hollis Police Department


FY 2023
Joseph R. Hoebeke



The Hollis Police Department will work to maintain National Accreditation through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), by conducting and meeting all the requirements of the annual re-accreditation maintenance process.  Moreover, the Hollis Police Department will continue to stay abreast of the changes to the accreditation process during this timeframe. 

The Hollis Police Department will complete the annual compliance process through CALEA, which is scheduled for July 2023, with the goal of having 100% compliance with reviewed standards.


  • Ensure policy compliance with all applicable accreditation standards.

  • Maintain an effective and efficient system for ensuring that required reports, analyses, reviews, and other activities mandated by applicable accreditation standards are met during the annual accreditation cycle.

  • Ensure department personnel continue to receive training in applicable standards that effect their job assignment.

  • Successfully complete the annual CALEA compliance review to identify any areas in need of improvement or modification.

  • Receive additional training and updated information to prepare for our upcoming annual CALEA compliance review, which will be conducted during the month of July.

  • Attend one of the two CALEA Conferences scheduled for the 2023 calendar year, which will provide an opportunity for our Accreditation Manager and selected member of the organization to attend focused training courses on standards of compliance and the accreditation process.

  • Continued to be involved with the Northern New England Police Accreditation Coalition (NNEPAC), including attendance at their annual conference in May 2023.


In 2020, the Hollis Police Department completed a five-year Strategic Plan, which included the identification of nine strategic goals.These goals are aimed at improving the operational efficiency of the Hollis Police Department while strengthening the agency’s commitment to community/police relations and meeting the demands of policing in the 21st century.During the 2023 calendar year, the Hollis Police Department will continue with our efforts of meeting and maintaining the performance objectives listed in the Strategic Plan, which includes the alignment with and implementation of specific strategies within identified timeframes.Although a high number of these goals were achieved in the 2021 and 2022 calendar year, there is still much work to be done in our efforts to align agency operations with best practices and to meet the service demands of our community.


  • By June 1, 2023, the Chief of Police will complete an annual review of the five-year Strategic Plan providing specific details on the status of each of the nine goals, and the performance objectives contained within.  This report will be distributed throughout the agency, listed on our department webpage, and provided to the Hollis Select Board for review.

  • Goal Champions will continue to work to meet the performance objectives identified within each of the listed goals.

  • The completion of the individual performance objectives detailed within each Strategic Goal will be prioritized based on the listed timeframes for completion and maintenance.

  • By December 31, 2023, the Hollis Police Department will work to develop a formal agency succession plan.


The Hollis Police Department will work to maintain full staffing numbers for sworn personnel in the 2023 calendar year.


  • As of December 19, 2022, the Hollis Police Department achieved full staffing levels.  In the 2023 calendar year, we will continue to promote the Hollis Police Department for the purposes of identifying future applicants should there be any vacancies.  We will also work to achieve the goals and objectives identified within the Recruitment Plan.

  • Review and revise (as needed) our agency Recruitment Plan with the purpose of improving processes relative to the recruitment and retention of officers.  This review will be completed by April 1, 2023.

  • Work with community-based organizations, such as religious organizations, advocacy groups, and academic institutions in an effort to outreach to a more demographically diverse population of candidates.

  • Maintain a list of eligible candidates to draw from should vacancies occur.

  • Expand partnerships with educational institutions who provide law enforcement related course curriculum to individuals interested in a career in law enforcement.

  • Increase Employee Referral Program incentive from $1,500.00 to $2,000.00.


The Hollis Police Department will request funding aimed at staffing a third Sergeant position within the Hollis Police Department, thereby allowing us to create an Administrative Sergeant position.  This position will be attached to the Administrative Services Bureau and will assist in supervising the Detective Division and School Resource Officer Program.  Additionally, this role will act as a liaison with the Nashua Police Department Legal Bureau, provide contract prosecutorial services for the Hollis Police Department.


  • Following the promotion of a third Sergeant, we will then select a tenured Sergeant to assume this role within the Administrative Services Bureau. 


The Hollis Police Department will hold a promotional process for the position of Sergeant.  This process will conform with those standards established in Hollis Police Department General Orders. 


  • It is expected that this promotional process will be completed by May 1, 2023, with the effective date of promotion aligning with agency needs and payroll periods.   


The Hollis Police Department will complete facility modification and upgrade projects, which will be dependent on the approval of FY 2023 Operating Budget funding requests.


  • Complete expansion of the Squad Room into the cell block area located in the Temporary Detention Facility. 

  • Complete interior and exterior video surveillance camera system upgrade.

  • Remove and replace rotting skirtboard located around the bottom of the police facility. 

  • Complete reseal/recoat/relining of the Hollis Police Department parking lot.

  • Remove and replace Fitness Room Floor with rubberized, heavy duty flooring material.



Fund and create a drone program using funds provided by the Hollis Police Department Benevolent Association.  These funds were generously donated with the purpose of being earmarked for such a program.


  • Complete formal proposal on the creation of a drone program.

  • Research equipment and training costs.

  • Fund equipment purchase and Drone Pilot Licensing fees.

  • Develop and implement policy relative to this program, including drone usage and limitations.

  • Ensure this program is fully operational by December 31, 2023.


The Hollis Police Department will continue to engage in and provide highly proactive public safety and policing services with the goal to reduce property crimes, such as burglary, thefts from motor vehicles etc., while working with community partners to address quality of life issues within neighborhoods.


  • Patrol Officers will continue to conduct Directed Patrols on all secondary roadways in towns with the overall purpose of increasing neighborhood policing.

  • Patrol Officers will increase school walkthroughs by 25%, district wide.

  • Continue to educate and encourage residents to take small, easy steps to deter property crimes, primarily by locking car and residence doors, and protecting personal property.

  • Develop an informational toolkit on fraud and other types of identity crimes.

  • Develop and host a training for senior citizens with tips and tools on how to protect themselves from fraud and other types of identity crimes. 


The Hollis Police Department will work to improve procedures relative to the prosecution of criminal matters and the adjudicatory process.


  • Develop and implement a more efficient process for reviewing pending court case statuses.  This will include, at the minimum, quarterly meetings with representatives of the Nashua Police Department Legal Bureau, as well as an improvement of day-to-day communication on current court cases.

  • Build upon last year’s goal of sending patrol officers to court for experience with the adjudicatory process.  In 2022, we struggled to achieve this goal due to staffing issues; however, those officers who were able to participate in this program reported that observations of court processes were beneficial to them.  We will continue sending officers on Monday of each week to assist, where appropriate. 

  • Identify at least two officers to send to the Basic Police Prosecutor Course, as facilitated by the New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council.  This completion of this objective will be dependent on the scheduling of this course by the New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council.

  • Develop In-Service curriculum for testifying at Administrative License Suspension (ALS) hearings.  The purpose of this goal is to achieve a higher number of SUSTAINED findings for ALS Hearings.  This will also include supervisory involvement during hearings (observing and guiding, when needed).



The Hollis Police Department will work to improve our efforts at monitoring and evaluating the use of the 988 Suicide and Prevention and Crisis Lifeline, Mobile Crisis Response Teams, and the NAMI call number.

  • Create additional Special Study questions in the IMC database to properly track the use of 988, NAMI, and Mobile Crisis Response Teams.

  • Determine if there is a correlation between increased usage of mental health resources and the overall reduction in arrests involving mental health calls, response to resistance incidents, and Involuntary Emergency Admission (IEA) transports by the

Previous Year Department Goals:

2022 Department Goals
2021 Department Goals
2020 Department Goals
2019 Department Goals
2018 Department Goals